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The urlParamReplace function substitutes placeholders in a URL with actual values. Placeholders in the URL are denoted by :key syntax, where key corresponds to a key in the param object.

Function Signature#

const urlParamReplace = (url: string, param: { [key: string]: any }) => string;


url: string: The URL template containing placeholders.

param: { [key: string]: any }: An object where keys are placeholder names and values are the replacements for those placeholders.


string: The URL with placeholders replaced by the corresponding values from the param object.

Example Usage#

Basic Replacement#

const url = '/user/:id';const param = { id: 123 };const result = urlParamReplace(url, param);console.log(result);// Output: '/user/123'

Multiple Replacements#

const url = '/user/:id/profile/:profileId';const param = { id: 123, profileId: 456 };const result = urlParamReplace(url, param);console.log(result);// Output: '/user/123/profile/456'

Handling Different Parameter Types#

const url = '/user/:isActive';const param = { isActive: true };const result = urlParamReplace(url, param);console.log(result);// Output: '/user/true'