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The commaFormat function formats a given number or string by inserting commas at regular intervals for better readability. By default, commas are inserted every three digits.

Function Signature#

const commaFormat = (inputNumber: number | string, count: number = 3) => string;


inputNumber: number | string: The number or string to be formatted.

count: number (optional): The number of digits between each comma. Defaults to 3.


string: A string representation of the number with commas inserted at the specified intervals.

Example Usage#

Example 1: Default Formatting (Every 3 Digits)#

console.log(commaFormat(1000)); // Output: '1,000'console.log(commaFormat(1000000)); // Output: '1,000,000'console.log(commaFormat(1234567890)); // Output: '1,234,567,890'

Example 2: Formatting String Representations of Numbers#

console.log(commaFormat('1000')); // Output: '1,000'console.log(commaFormat('1000000')); // Output: '1,000,000'console.log(commaFormat('1234567890')); // Output: '1,234,567,890'

Example 3: Handling Decimal Numbers#

console.log(commaFormat(1234.56)); // Output: '1,234.56'console.log(commaFormat('1234.56')); // Output: '1,234.56'

Example 4: Handling Numbers with Leading Zeros#

console.log(commaFormat('0001234')); // Output: '0,001,234'

Example 5: Handling Falsy Inputs#

console.log(commaFormat(0)); // Output: '0'console.log(commaFormat('')); // Output: '0'

Example 6: Formatting Negative Numbers#

console.log(commaFormat(-1000)); // Output: '-1,000'console.log(commaFormat('-1000000')); // Output: '-1,000,000'

Example 7: Custom Formatting (Every 2 Digits)#

console.log(commaFormat(123456, 2)); // Output: '12,34,56'console.log(commaFormat('12345678', 2)); // Output: '12,34,56,78'

Example 8: Custom Formatting (Every 4 Digits)#

console.log(commaFormat(1234567890, 4)); // Output: '12,3456,7890'console.log(commaFormat('12345678901234', 4)); // Output: '12,3456,7890,1234'


  1. Regex for Comma Insertion: The function uses a regular expression to insert commas. The RegExp is dynamically created based on the count parameter, which determines how many digits should appear between commas.

  2. Input Type Handling: The function first converts the inputNumber to a string, ensuring that both numeric and string inputs are treated consistently.

  3. Falsy Input: If the inputNumber is falsy (like 0 or an empty string), the function returns '0'.

  4. Negative Numbers: The function handles negative numbers correctly by placing the comma after the negative sign.