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These utilities help in transforming flat data structures into nested hierarchical formats. They work with both lists and objects and can include depth information if required.


Creates a nested hierarchical structure from a flat data object, adding children and optional depth information.

Function Signature#

const createChildrenListByObj = <  S extends Record<string, T>,  T extends Record<string, any>,  K extends string,  D extends string = '',>(  obj: S,  {    currentKeyId,    parentKeyName,    childrenKeyName,    depthCreateName,    depth?: number,  }: {    currentKeyId: KeysOfUnion<S>;    parentKeyName: KeysOfUnion<T>;    childrenKeyName: K;    depthCreateName?: D;    depth?: number;  },) => ChildrenNestedObj<T, K, D>;


obj: S: The data object where keys are IDs and values are data objects.

currentKeyId: The ID of the current object to process.

parentKeyName: The key name that holds the parent ID.

childrenKeyName: The key name where the children will be stored.

depthCreateName: Optional key name to store the depth of the current object.

depth: The current depth level (default is 0).


ChildrenNestedObj<T, K, D>: The nested object with children and optional depth information.


Transforms a flat list of objects into a hierarchical structure based on parent-child relationships.

Function Signature#

export const nestedChildrenByList = <T extends Record<string, any>, P, K extends string, D extends string = ''>(  list: T[],  {    idKeyName,    parentKeyName,    childrenKeyName,    parentValue,    depthCreateName,    depth?: number,  }: {    idKeyName: KeysOfUnion<T>;    parentKeyName: KeysOfUnion<T>;    childrenKeyName: K;    parentValue: P;    depthCreateName?: D;    depth?: number;  },) => ChildrenNestedObj<T, K, D>[];


list: T[]: The flat list of data objects.

idKeyName: The key name for the object's unique ID.

parentKeyName: The key name for the parent ID.

childrenKeyName: The key name where children will be added.

parentValue: The value to match for the root parent objects.

depthCreateName: Optional key name to store the depth of each object.

depth: The initial depth level (default is 0).


ChildrenNestedObj<T, K, D>[]: The list of nested objects with children and optional depth information.


Transforms a flat data object into a hierarchical structure based on parent-child relationships.

Function Signature#

export const nestedChildrenByObj = <T extends Record<string, any>, P, K extends string, D extends string = ''>(  obj: Record<string | number, T>,  {    idKeyName,    parentKeyName,    childrenKeyName,    parentValue,    depthCreateName,    depth?: number,  }: {    idKeyName: KeysOfUnion<T>;    parentKeyName: KeysOfUnion<T>;    childrenKeyName: K;    parentValue: P;    depthCreateName?: D;    depth?: number;  },) => ChildrenNestedObj<T, K, D>[];


obj: Record<string | number, T>: The data object where keys are IDs and values are data objects.

idKeyName: The key name for the object's unique ID.

parentKeyName: The key name for the parent ID.

childrenKeyName: The key name where children will be added.

parentValue: The value to match for the root parent objects.

depthCreateName: Optional key name to store the depth of each object.

depth: The initial depth level (default is 0).


ChildrenNestedObj<T, K, D>[]: The list of nested objects with children and optional depth information.

Example Usage#


const list = [  { id: 1, name: 'Root', parentId: null },  { id: 2, name: 'Child 1', parentId: 1 },  { id: 3, name: 'Child 2', parentId: 1 },  { id: 4, name: 'Grandchild 1', parentId: 2 },  { id: 5, name: 'Grandchild 2', parentId: 3 },];
// Create nested structureconst result = nestedChildrenByList(list, {  idKeyName: 'id',  parentKeyName: 'parentId',  childrenKeyName: 'children',  parentValue: null,});


const obj = {  1: { id: 1, name: 'Root', parentId: null },  2: { id: 2, name: 'Child 1', parentId: 1 },  3: { id: 3, name: 'Child 2', parentId: 1 },  4: { id: 4, name: 'Grandchild 1', parentId: 2 },  5: { id: 5, name: 'Grandchild 2', parentId: 3 },};
// Create nested structureconst result = nestedChildrenByObj(obj, {  idKeyName: 'id',  parentKeyName: 'parentId',  childrenKeyName: 'children',  parentValue: null,});