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The useMatchCache hook provides a way to interact with the SWR cache by matching cache keys with a regular expression. This hook can be useful for debugging or managing cache entries based on specific patterns.


matcher: RegExp: The regular expression used to match cache keys.


cache: Map<string, any>: The SWR cache instance, which is a Map containing cache entries. Only the entries matching the provided matcher are considered.


Error: If the SWR cache is not a Map instance, an error is thrown.


Import the hook and necessary utilities:#

import React from 'react';import { useMatchCache } from 'ventos-hook-lib';import { useSWRConfig } from 'swr';

Use the useMatchCache hook in your component:#

const MyComponent = () => {  const matcher = /api\/data/; // Regular expression to match cache keys  const cache = useMatchCache(matcher);
  // Use cache to display, debug, or manage cache entries  console.log('Matched Cache:', cache);
  return (    <div>      {/* Render or manage cache entries as needed */}    </div>  );};