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The useClearSWRCache hook provides a way to clear items from the SWR cache based on matching patterns. This is useful for invalidating or removing cached data that matches specific criteria.


Import the hook:#

import useClearSWRCache from './useClearSWRCache'; // Adjust the path as necessary

Using the hook in a component:#

import React from 'react';import { useClearSWRCache } from 'ventos-hook-lib';
const CacheClearer = () => {  const clearCache = useClearSWRCache();
  const handleClearCache = () => {    // Example: Clear all cache entries that start with 'api/data/'    clearCache(/^api\/data\//);
    // Example: Clear all cache entries that start with 'api/data/' but exclude those ending with 'user'    clearCache(/^api\/data\//, /user$/);  };
  return (    <div>      <button onClick={handleClearCache}>Clear Cache</button>    </div>  );};
export default CacheClearer;