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The useInfiniteHelper hook is designed to work with SWR's infinite loading capabilities. It provides utilities to handle pagination, manage cache, and optimize data processing.


result: SWRInfiniteResponse<Data[], Error>: The SWR infinite query result.

pagination: { totalCount: number; page: number; pageSize: number }: Pagination details.

idName: keyof Data: The key used to identify unique items in the data.

cacheClearKey: string (optional): A key to match cache entries for clearing.


data: Data[]: A unique, flattened list of data items.

pageData: Data[] | undefined: Raw data from SWR.

isLoading: boolean: Indicates if data is currently loading.

isReachingEndData: boolean: Indicates if the end of the data has been reached.

onMoreRead: () => void: Function to fetch more data.

onClearData: () => void: Function to clear cached data based on the cacheClearKey.


Import the hook and necessary utilities:#

import React from 'react';import { useInfiniteHelper } from 'ventos-hook-lib';import useSWRInfinite from 'swr/infinite';

Set up the SWR infinite query:#

const fetcher = (...args) => fetch(...args).then(res => res.json());
const useData = () => {  return useSWRInfinite(    (index) => `/api/data?page=${index}`,    fetcher  );};

Use the useInfiniteHelper hook in your component:#

const MyComponent = () => {  const result = useData();  const pagination = { totalCount: 100, page: 0, pageSize: 10 }; // Adjust as needed  const idName = 'id'; // The unique key in your data  const cacheClearKey = '/api/data'; // Optional, for cache clearing
  const {    data,    pageData,    error,    isLoading,    isReachingEndData,    onMoreRead,    onClearData,    mutate,  } = useInfiniteHelper({ result, pagination, idName, cacheClearKey });
  if (isLoading) return <div>Loading...</div>;  if (isReachingEndData) return <div>No more data</div>;
  return (    <div>      { => (        <div key={item[idName]}>{}</div> // Adjust according to your data structure      ))}      <button onClick={onMoreRead}>Load More</button>      <button onClick={onClearData}>Clear Cache</button>    </div>  );};